magbo system

Gaming. You do it. I do it. We all do it.

We use apps, consoles, handhelds, but sometimes we forget one of the easiest venues to game… On a laptop or phone web browser!

Enter PLAYS.ORG. This site is well-described by its owner as:

Many small snackable games. Little bits of joy. No paid upgrades or playing with the default character settings that social signals you can’t afford the upgrades. Not competing against others, but playing for the sake of play and to have fun.

I played many of their games not only on my gaming laptop, but also my Apple iPhone 12 Max Pro. In both versions, the games ran smoothly and without issue. Quick, easy games that borrow themes from other well known games are quite prevalent on PLAYS.ORG.

Check what I played:

MiniGolf World:

Sometimes you just want a game to be simple to play. Pull back, release. That’s how MiniGolf World is. If you’ve played pool on a computer, mechanics are the same. Moe Tip: Use the walls to your advantage and score low! A fun game with a bit of thought needed. Relaxing!

Space Adventure Pinball:

By far, my favorite game on the site. If you’re going to visit for one game, it’ll probably be this. All around, this game is very fun. The mechanics and gameplay are spot on for a pinball game, and it seemed like I could keep my ball in play for a long time. Tap the side of the screen on your phone and have a blast!


Similar in nature to Angry Birds. Pull back for power, get the right angle, and collect all of the stars while scoring a goal! Time, space and angles as Mr Holcroft (RIP) used to say on the Kennett Soccer Team.

Shadoworld Adventure:

A laid back platformer in the vein of Super Mario Bros 2 and others. Jump, jump, run, squash enemies, get to the end without plummeting to your doom. Chill, and challenge yourself to this game, and the many other games on PLAYS.ORG!


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