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Travel Spotlight: Perry Hotel Key West – Sometimes the best meals are the most informal. One can get fairly hungry after spending hours in the sun enjoying beverages by the pool.

If there’s one thing for sure, The Train loves a good happy hour, and the Salty Oyster Bar had great drink and food specials! My eyes are never bigger than my stomach capacity, so I ordered 3 meals, and I couldn’t have been happier! The wings were fantastic, the wrap was super fresh, and the sliders were JUICY… and oh man… the fries were some of the best ever!

What’s even better, there’s a second happy hour right afterwards at Sloppy Joe’s Dockside which is also on the property!

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but these three happy hour items was one of my favorite meals while in Key West! Not kidding!

A huge MOE TRAIN APPROVED on Perry Hotel’s Happy Hour!

Travel Spotlight: The Perry Hotel Key West


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