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Guys, check out Dapper Yankee, which has some of the most well made men’s natural soaps and beard products that I’ve ever laid my hands on!

They have an amazing assortment of scents which will keep you from stinking to high hell when you’re putting in some serious work! I’m a big fan of delicious smells, and these soaps will have you smelling delicioso! With scents like Bourbon Legend, Citrus Blonde, Rodeo Man, Root Beer Barrel (!!!), Pumpkin Ale, Ho Ho Mistletoe, Blue Tropics and more, you’ll be smelling like a snack!

Go to and get your own men’s grooming products right now! Use PROMO CODE MOETRAIN20. New customers can use the code for 20% off everything (except discounted bundles) with a minimum purchase of $20. The ladies, men, friends and family in your life will be glad you did!


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