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Watch as competitive eaters, John “Oink Oink” Bradley and our host Monty “Moe Train” Wiradilaga take on the 7500+ calorie challenge, The Enemy Burger, at Buddy’s Burgers, Breasts and Fries in Kennett Square, PA.  This deliciously dangerous challenge puts these Wing Bowl veterans to the test.

5.5 lbs of delicious beef patties (8 per burger), lb of cheese, a ton of bacon, 2 lbs of fries, and a pint of Levante Brewing beer (added for extra glory).

The Meat Sweats are real. Very real. Thanks to the beast, Oink for coming all the way down to Kennett Square to eat and film with us!

Will they complete this challenge, or will the massive amount of meat, bacon, cheese, fries and beer kick their ass?


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