Hey everyone! Check out this very important project! I strongly believe in RIBBONS FOR RESEARCH, who created a non-political series of candid, emotionally-driven Public Service Announcements (PSAs) featuring individuals who have survived or been personally affected by COVID-19. They deliver the compelling message to those who have not been vaccinated to please do so.

These “Real People” Testimonials highlight individuals who have been seriously ill or lost a loved one due to COVID. People who “Who Look and Sound Like Me” deliver cautionary, yet heartfelt messages around “I should have gotten the shot before it was too late. You still have a chance; you should, too!”

RIBBONS FOR RESEARCH believes that persuading “Vaccine-Hesitant” individuals who have not responded to COVID immunization messages to get their shots to be essential to our nation’s public health to reverse the shortfall in COVID immunizations within underserved populations.

RIBBONS FOR RESEARCH says that “Given the troubling current 71% US Vaccination rate, as well as the increasing impact of the Delta variant, such an initiative could be essential to our very survival in helping our country to develop ‘Herd’ Immunity.”

Check out Rayko performing in the video for “COVID-19 IS HELL” in the video above! I truly hope that our country (and world), turns the corner sooner than later and reaches a point where we can achieve a healthy, happy “new normal.”

Visit RIBBONSFORRESEARCH.ORG, and check out their Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ribbonsforresearch/


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