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Nashville rockers Country Westerns have shared “Anytime,” the next single from their self-titled debut album (out May 1, 2020 on Fat Possum Records). BrooklynVegan debuted the track, noting that “Country Westerns make twangy rock n’ roll with a punk energy that is in the same tradition as The Replacements or Old ’97s or Bottle Rockets.”

Hear the track HERE, and pre-order the album HERE.

Country Westerns’ headline U.S. tour begins May 8 at Ortlieb’s in Philadelphia, PA before taking them through Brooklyn, Boston, Washington, DC and more. See below for the full itinerary of upcoming dates, and find more information on the band’s website.

American Songwriter broke the news of Country Westerns’ Fat Possum signing and debuted “Gentle Soul,” calling it “the band’s not-so-subtle entrance to the Nashville rock scene” and praising its “poetic punk rock sneer.” Nashville Scene also weighed in, lauding the band’s “rocking post-Neil Young sound” and “casually literate songs.”





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